How Does The Search Engine Works | Digital Marketing Made Easy

How Does The Search Engine Works ?

How Does The Search Engine Works
How Does The Search Engine Works?

Search Engine work on the Algorithm/Program which contains bots also known as Crawlers and Spiders. It explore databases and internet sites for the documents holding keywords precised by a consumer as well.

There are Different Search Engines having Different Bots. Some among of them are follows:

1. MSN - MSN bot

2. Yahoo - Yahoo_Slurp

3. Google- Googlebot

4. Bing – Bingbot

However the fundamental structure for functioning is similar. 

Search Engine executes several tasks on your website;

The following steps which be implement by Search Engine.

• Crawling

• Indexing

• Retrieving Results


Initially Search Engine crawls the page to observe what things are there. The Procedure of fetching all the web pages linked to a website. This task is carrying out by software, called a crawler or a spider (or Google bot). Spiders track links from one page to another and index the whole thing they locate on their technique. 

You require to identify if your website have over 20,000 pages in that situation probably it is not possible to view all the page daily by spider it just visit on new page and customized existing page. One more things spider or crawler is not a human, it never used to perceive images, flash, movies, JavaScript code on your website.


After the page was crawled, the subsequent step is to index its content. The procedure of generating index for all the fetched web pages and keeping them into a huge database from where it can later be recover

The Search Engine processes when a search request appear, i.e. it evaluate the search string in the search appeal with the indexed pages in the database. The search engine begins calculating the relevancy of each page in its index to the search string while more than one page existing in the search string,

Retrieving Results:

The final step in search engine actions is retrieving the most excellent matched results. Mostly, it is not anything more than simply showing them in the browser.This is the most complex process of all as well.

Search Engine contains database of billions of pages on internet. Each and every page is conversation about dissimilar queries.

Algorithm supposed to make a decision which page to rank first, second, third and rapidly. In favor of that it will consider more than 200 aspects and provide the result to the consumer.

Thus as soon as the user type the query in the search box. Several algorithm triggers and attempt to locate the most appropriate pages.

After this procedure we will obtain the following results. These practices require tiny proportion of seconds to finish.
